Mahesh Bhatt shut Indian media | In24By7

Mahesh Bhatt shut Indian media | In24By7

Mahesh Bhatt shut Indian media | In24By7

Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt has called out the highly condemnable coverage by Indian media channels replete of sabre-rattling, in light of escalating tensions between India and Pakistan.

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Criticising Indian television channels for inciting a war-like situation and provoking bloodshed, Bhatt in a tweet published on Thursday, said:

"Cruelty has always fascinated man. The gladiators used to fill the entire colosseum with crazy people baying for blood. Our TV channels pander to that savage side of man.

Mahesh Bhatt shut Indian media | In24By7
Mahesh Bhatt shut Indian media | In24By7
The producer's statement has come after a number of prominent Indian celebrities were seen cheering for and glorifying war.

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