11 years old Iranian girl got highest mark in Mensa IQ Test | In24By7

11 years old Iranian girl got highest mark in Mensa IQ Test | In24By7

11 Year Old Iranian Girl Beats Einstein and Hawking in IQ Test. An 11-year-old schoolgirl has achieved the highest points in Mensa IQ Test, beating the renowned scientists Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

11 years old Iranian girl got highest mark in Mensa IQ Test | In24By7
11 years old Iranian girl got highest mark in Mensa IQ Test | In24By7

Tara Sharifi, has scored 162 points - the highest number possible - on the Mensa IQ test, two points higher than the estimated IQs of physicist Albert Einstein and cosmologist Professor Stephen Hawking.

"I was shocked when I got the result. I never expected to get such a good score," she said.

Tara took the test in Oxford and had to answer questions within a set time.

Tara's family is originally from Borazjan county in the Southern Iranian Bushehr Province.

"I knew she is intelligent but such a great success of her was unexpected to me," her father said.

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